We are three French scout leaders, who since our early childhood, have been dreaming of big wild spaces and great adventures, on steep roads, vast expanses, and highest mountains, of crossing continents and reaching the other side of the world. For quite some time, we have wanted to follow the example of great travelers and explorers, such as Bear Grylls, Guy de Larigaudie, the French “legendary rover”, Mike Horn, …
When we learned that the World Scout Jamboree will take place in South Korea, more than 14 000 kilometers from France, it was enough for us to imagine a big trip. Our goal is to cross Europe and Asia, by Caucasus, silk roads, the highest mountain of Pamir and Altai and the endless steppes. We want to make an ecological and sporting achievement using only human energy, to show that adventure is not dead and that it is possible to travel long distances without using any motor power. This great adventure will take 8 months and will start in January 2023.
As the world pandemic confined millions of young people and restricted them from taking a deep breath outside, we want to celebrate out-of-doors life and meet them all along our way. We want to see and show the different ways of being a scout all over the world, we will convey what they want to say to the world, and we will show what unites them beyond the borders. To present this portrait of the youth of the world, we will make videos and posts on social networks all along the journey. We will present our photos and videos during the jamboree and after in some festivals and scout meetings.